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Why did I write this book?

My love for my son Dawid inspired me to create stories that would help build his character to become a well adjusted, responsible and happy citizen of this world. I also became deeply aware of the rapid epidemic moral decline and subsequent suffering in the world.


I make these stories available to children around the world so that they too can enjoy and benefit from the adventures of the heroic Trackeroo and the Crew who came to earth to save the  earthling's from extinction. The story inpires children stay on the right track in life and to unleash a love revolution around the world.


     Our planet is going off track

     we’ve got to bring it back

        bring it back on track




I started telling stories to Dawid at a young age and telling stories to him became a favorite past time of ours. It bonded us because we were a single parent home and we could escape into a fantasy world of our own. He loved my stories, which I made up as I went along, and his hysterical laughter amused me endlessly. I remember him rolling around on the kitchen floor laughing, and our crazy laugher soothed our souls. I kept writing throughout his school career, refined the stories and researched the best educational and entertainment concepts to achiev moral literacy at school going level. 

It was the style in which I wrote which was the most challenging. I rewrote every line more than a hundred times to get it into the right shape and sound that I wanted so I could grab and keep children’s attention. 


The global moral crisis.


It seems our world has gone a little crazy in recent years and we can not let it slip because,  


Immorality hurts.

It is a scourge and respects no one.

It steals, kills and destroys people and the planet.

Many people say that the moral compass of the world is wrecked and the planet is heading for destruction. It is not such an other-worldly concept considering that it took only three centuries since the industrial revolution for humans to gain the power to destroy themselves, and the planet.

Without a moral compass the world is a ticking time bomb.

I once read that we earthlings have a star-wars civilization, god like technology, stone-age emotions, and vanishing values. This insight made me even more resolute to create the most exciting, effective and attention grabbing children’s story and teaching method  ever  to help turn the tide towards an ethically sound and compassionate world.

The planets future - building children’s moral character– a key strategy. 

The hearts, minds and hands of today’s children will lead the planet tomorrow - for good or bad. Good meaning constructive, and bad - destructive. It is therefore crucial that world leaders meeting at the WEF at Davos each year and also leaders at grass root levels in each community around the world make moral character building of children their main agenda to protect the future.



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© 2013 by Nadene Moolman

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