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based on love



This project refers to positive values, a belief system in good character virtues   - core ethics and morals that have stood the test of time.


It is a set of guiding principles, a moral framework that help people make the right choices in life, which results in constructive versus destructive behavior.


The practice of good choices forms good habits. Good habits build good character. Good character creates decent, caring and responsible citizens. Responsible citizens deliberately benefit self, society and the environment in a balanced, sensible and sustainable way.


Making the right life choices is a universal daily battle for many people - and positive values - or lack thereof keeps individuals and society on - or off track in life towards a desired destiny.


To stay on track one has to continually and actively sow love and not hate, hope and not despair, courage not feebleness, self -control vs. the lack of it, honesty and no lies deceit and theft, decency not perversity, wisdom and not foolishness, forgiveness and not resentment or bitterness ... and the list goes on and on. Humanity needs to make choices that will reach beyond self to love others even when they don’t feel like it or don’t agree with other people. What is so special after all about love, if one can only love those who love u?


These are critical challenges that humans face and have to overcome, to love and really love beyond self, so people can reach out, listen and share with others without judgment and do so with respect and humility to seek solutions for the world.


Why values?

There is not only in South Africa a debilatating moral crisis - there is an alarming trend worldwide– a rampant out of control moral decline, which has reached epidemic proportions. It is increasingly and adversely affecting everyone and parents, teachers and concerned citizens and institutions are looking for ways to solve this problem.


Words like ethics values and morality, which previously had a bad rap,  - due to misunderstandings, miss–use and miss-associations once again are slipping back into boardrooms and are heard on the lips of responsible leaders world over.


Without a MORAL COMPASS the earth as we know it is at great risk.


Neuro - Science


Recent scientific discovery - Quntum Physics proved that our inner world impacts our outer world and that mankind needs cooperation, kindness and prayer to survive.


"A growing body of scientific research confirms that prayer and actively developing a spiritual life increases frontal lobe activity, thickness, intelligence and overall health."

Dr Caroline Leaf


These are virtues that for long have been frowned upon by believers of survival of the fittest. Interesting to note - cutting edge science tells us that we are wired for goodness, and happy hormones like serotonin are released as a reward system to promote kindness.  We don’t only get the benefit of the free drug when we are kind - we also get it when we observe acts of kindness.  This implicates society to become kinder to help all towards a healthier frame of mind and heart by being good and being kind to one another. 







It’s easier to develop a young person’s character that will prompt them to make good choices in life than having to fix a damaged person psyche.




Values are the building blocks of good character, which are the building blocks of society.  A person with good character does the right thing even when they don’t feel like it – and when nobody sees them.


Cape Town - July 2013 

South Africa’s youth are the heirs of Nelson Mandela’s rich legacy, says Planning Minister Trevor Manuel.

“You are the heirs. Not in terms of inheriting (Mandela’s) money, but his values,” Manuel told a group of youngsters at Glendale Senior Secondary in Rocklands on Monday.“Adopt those values and take ownership and responsibility of your future.


HAPPY CHILDREN - Children that learn to manage themselves from a young age to produce constructive behavior are far more likely to be safe, healthy and happy in their adult life.

A set of firmly instilled values becomes a compass to children to guide them towards the best path in life. This gives them confidence, self-respect and self worth. They learn to transcend difficult circumstances like poverty, bullying, peer pressure and racism.  Morality is a gift parents and mentors can give to children to ensure a positive future.


HAPPY FAMILIES - Children that are brought up with good values of kindness and honesty are a tremendous benefit to family life and make it easy and rewarding for the rest of the family to be with them.


HAPPY COMMUNITIES – Families, schools and the larger community benefit from children who are friendly, respectful, well behaved and motivated to grow up as decent and responsible citizens. 


HAPPY PLANET - Values of kindness consideration and honesty will reduce the extreme conflict in the world today. Tomorrow’s leaders are children today and knowledge education alone won’t keep this planet on track. Earthlings need a moral compass, a positive attitude, wisdom, compassion and a clear conscience to steer this planet safely into the future.


The greatest buffer against evil is a person with good character.


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© 2013 by Nadene Moolman

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